Program Blog FAQ

Thank you for visiting our Program Blog FAQ page. Below is a collection of frequently asked questions that we receive from parents about the summer program blogs.

What are TTN program blogs?

We created TTN program blogs so that parents and family members could follow along on their student’s journey abroad! The blog posts are a great way for the program staff to share a recap every few days of what the students have been up to during their program, such as service projects, learning activities, adventures, and more.

How do program blogs get posted?

The blogs are written either by program staff or students who volunteer to write them. Once a blog post is written, the program staff sends it to our headquarters staff via email.

When we receive a new blog post, a member of our Blog Management Team will add the blog post to the website and parents will receive an email notification that there’s a new blog update.

Will there be a blog for my student’s program?

Yes! Every session for each program will have its own individual blog page where new posts will be added.

Will there be photos posted on the blog?

Yes, absolutely! Program staff are always encouraged to send photos along with blog posts whenever they can. However, due to internet accessibility on the program, blog posts may occasionally only include text.

How will I know when my student’s program has new blog post?

You will receive an email notification each time there’s a new blog for your student’s program. These email updates are automatic, and they are sent to the parent or guardian email addresses we have on file for the student’s account.

When will I see the first blog post?

The first blog post for each program is what we call the “Arrival Post.” The Arrival Post is posted on the first or second day of the program, and typically includes a group photo of the students along with a short note from program staff.

How often will the blog be updated throughout the rest of the program?

After the Arrival Post, program staff typically send new blog posts 2-3 times per week. However, this range may vary dramatically from one program to the next and typically depends on internet connectivity in each location as well as the rigorousness of the program schedule that week. In the event a new blog post will be severely delayed, we will do our best to communicate that on your specific blog.

Why do some new posts show a previous date?

When you receive a notification of a new blog update and you go to read the blog, you may notice the new post is dated for yesterday or even two or three days ago. This is completely normal and extremely common. The date on each blog post is the date that the post is actually about, which does not always align with the date it is posted. Due to many program factors (such as internet connectivity, busy program schedules, excursions, time zone differences, etc.), program staff may not be able to compile and send new blogs same day. In addition, our blog team may not always be able to post new blogs right away depending on what time of day/night the blog was received.

When does your Blog Team post new blogs?

Blogs received during office hours will be posted same day, and blogs received in the evening and overnight will be posted the following business day in the order they were received.

Will blogs be posted on weekends?

Arrival Posts will be posted the day they are received – weekends included. Standard blog updates received on weekends may be delayed until Monday morning depending of the volume of blog posts we receive over the weekend.

How will I know when my student’s program has new blog post?

You will receive an email notification each time there’s a new blog for your student’s program. These email updates are automatic, and they are sent to the parent email addresses we have on file for your student’s account.

Can I reply to the blog email notifications?

Replies to the blog email notifications are sent to our blog management team at our headquarters. The blog team members are not physically on the programs, and this inbox is not monitored 24/7. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the program, or if you need to get in touch with your student or the program staff, please call our 24/7 parent hotline at +1-858-379-0774 for immediate assistance.

Why am I not receiving email notifications when there’s a new blog post?

If you are not receiving email updates when there’s a new blog post for your students program, it may be due to one of the three common reasons below:

You have unsubscribed from TTN emails in the past:
If you have ever hit “unsubscribe” on an email from TTN – such as a promotional email, newsletter, etc. – then you have opted out of all emails from TTN, including the blog update emails. This is the most common reason for parents not receiving the blog email notifications, and we can certainly opt you back in so you will receive future emails.

We don’t have your email on file:
As mentioned above, blog update emails are automatically sent to the parents or guardians listed on the student’s account. So another common reason for not receiving these emails is that we do not have your email and contact information on file.

The email we have on file is outdated or no longer used:
If you are listed as a contact on your student’s account, then blog update emails will be sent to the email we have on file. Emails that are outdated or no longer in use will come back “undelivered.” Be sure to confirm with your TTN Travel Coordinator that we have the best contact email on file so you won’t miss a blog update!

Can I share the blog posts with other family members and friends?

While our automatic email alerts are reserved for parents and guardians, you can certainly share the link to your student’s program blog with anyone who wishes to follow along!

Who can I contact if I have another question about the blog?

If you have a question about the blog specifically, you can email our blog team at, however, this inbox is not monitored 24/7. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the program, or if you need to get in touch with your student or the program staff, please call our 24/7 parent hotline at +1-858-379-0774 for immediate assistance.


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Italy, Spain & France
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London, Paris & Geneva
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Rome, Florence & Venice
July 14 – July 23, 2023
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